The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

When you read our blog, you are in good company. Learning and development leaders from all levels and industries find weekly inspiration, tips, and tools on our blog. With the continuous change we've all faced over the last few years, it's helpful to reflect on what helps leaders navigate with confidence and competence through that change.
Every year we do a round-up of the most read and visited content on our blog. We hope you will continue to find inspiration and valuable action items in these posts in the coming year.
Creating cohesion and inspiring others is more important for leaders than ever before. One of the key practice areas effective leaders demonstrate is to Inspire a Shared Vision.
Most organizations perform a training needs assessment before embarking on a leadership development program. How do you know that your needs assessment is complete and accurate?
While all leaders have common leadership challenges, there are aspects of leadership unique to each leader level. Making the transition from leading self, to leading others, to leading other leaders are all important jumps on the capability ladder.
Engaged employees care about their work, are committed to their organizations, and often give more than is required or expected. There are several behaviors that effective leaders can model to their teams.
Leaders focused on real inclusion are thinking global; not only do they facilitate diversity and inclusion, they understand the bigger picture of why diversity and inclusion are important to long-term business success.
What do leaders do when tensions are high? Next time you find yourself in an emotionally charged situation where the heart of it is centered in values or views that could be contrary to your own, can you be civil?
Giving feedback can be difficult, even during the best of times. Given today's challenges in the workplace, have you avoided giving your team feedback?
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
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