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Build More Effective Relationships with Everything DiSC®

Everything DiSC assessments, training solutions, and certification

Everything DiSC®


Everything DiSC® is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

Everything DiSC® helps people build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.

Everything DiSC is a simple yet powerful model that describes four basic behavioral styles: D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness, and C: Conscientiousness. Everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles—each person has a unique behavioral profile with different styles and priorities—no one style is better or worse than the next.

Everything DiSC® is not a test, it's a personality assessment. This research-validated model helps you understand yourself and others, saving you time, energy, and money.


Catalyst™ is an online platform designed to make it easier for organizations to streamline assessments, independent learning, facilitated sessions, and ongoing support.

Designed to support instructor-led facilitation or for individual exploration, Catalyst™ is a personalized learning platform that acts as a single access point throughout a learner’s DiSC® journey.

Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ helps people:

  • Better understand themselves
  • Appreciate and value difference in perspective and approach
  • Readily and consistently adapt to the unique needs of each person or situation they encounter.



Everything DiSC® helps people build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.

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If you're seeking to understand how Everything DiSC® can contribute to your organization's effectiveness, this multi-client case study shows a few options for what Everything DiSC® can do.

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FlashPoint offers customized, in-organization workshops with Everything DiSC® programs and assessments to help your teams work better together, improve communication, and reduce conflict.

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Everything DiSC® is a suite of customized assessments and workshops designed to help teams work better together, improve employee and workplace communication, reduce conflict, and avoid misunderstandings.

It can…

  • Increase employees’ understanding of communication styles, motivators, stressors, and preferences of coworkers to build more effective relationships
  • Help managers identify and explore priorities that shape their management experience and better understand how to work with, manage, and develop their employees
  • Facilitate understanding and self-awareness of potentially destructive conflict behaviors in order to reframe automatic thoughts and choose more productive conflict behaviors
  • Improve the effectiveness of executive leaders in one-to-many relationships as they create a vision, gain team alignment, and execute to achieve their vision

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The Basis of Everything DiSC®

Everything DiSC® workshops use the custom, research-validated DiSC® behavioral assessment to help you understand yourself and others. The assessment asks users to rate the degree to which they agree with a series of statements about themselves and their behavior, then presents those results on a circular map to show where leaders’ personal preferences show up in relation to the other styles.

The Everything DiSC® assessment measures preferences across two spectrums: active versus reflective and questioning versus accepting. The preferences indicated on the assessment group participants into quadrants which form the acronym DiSC:

  • Dominance: direct, driven, forceful, results-oriented, and strong willed
  • influence: enthusiastic, outgoing, sociable, lively, and talkative
  • Steadiness: patient, tactful, accommodating, calm, and even-tempered
  • Conscientiousness: private, reserved, accurate, analytical, and logical

While every person is a blend of all four, certain preferences and tendencies can be ascribed more strongly to one or two styles. Each style has benefits and value, there is no perfect DiSC® style, nor are there good or bad behaviors.

Everything DiSC® is a way to understand yourself better—the first step to becoming more effective when working with others—and learn about those around you to understand their priorities and how they might differ from your own.

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What does Everything DiSC® do?

The Everything DiSC® assessment is designed to bring a common language and understanding to coworkers, teams, managers, and employees. Not only does it increase self-awareness, it highlights differences and potential for misunderstandings while providing employees with a way to communicate about those differences to increase effectiveness and productive relationships at work.

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Who benefits from Everything DiSC®?

Everything DiSC® Workplace is an assessment and workshop that can be used by everyone in the organization, regardless of title or role, to identify and explore the priorities that drive individuals. FlashPoint can facilitate this workshop for your employees through in-person or virtual sessions.

Everything DiSC® Management is an assessment and workshop that helps managers identify and explore the priorities that shape their management style to better understand how to work with, manage, and develop their employees. FlashPoint can facilitate this workshop for your employees through in-person or virtual sessions.

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ is an assessment and workshop that helps employees gain a strong understanding of emotional intelligence, recognize how they can stretch their EQ beyond what comes naturally to them, and learn to respond appropriately in different situations. FlashPoint can facilitate this workshop for your employees through in-person or virtual sessions.

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict is an assessment and workshop that helps participants identify and improve self-awareness of conflict behaviors. It shows how individuals and DiSC styles behave during conflict and is designed to help participants learn how to reframe automatic thoughts in order to choose productive conflict behaviors and increase productive relationships at work.

DiSC Productive Conflict

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How is Everything DiSC® implemented?


The standard Everything DiSC® programs are half-day or one-day workshops. Each participant takes the assessment online, followed by an in-company workshop and optional group coaching and reinforcement options.

Other program options include:

  • Customized in-organization retreats and workshops using DiSC® assessment content
  • Individual coaching and feedback
  • Everything DiSC® Facilitator Training
  • MyEverythingDiSC.com access for reinforcement, reference, and blended learning options

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What else can Everything DiSC® do for my organization?

Everything DiSC® offers Comparison Reports, Group Culture Reports, supplements for facilitators, and facilitator reports to better understand the coworkers and teams that participants work with.

  • Everything DiSC® Comparison Report: This follow-up comparison report shows the similarities and differences between two people on six behavioral continua.
  • Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report: The group culture report can be used to determine the DiSC® culture of a group or team, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision-making and risk-taking.
  • Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators: This tool provides more detailed data about the Everything DiSC® assessment and helps facilitate a richer discussion about a respondent’s DiSC® style, including unexpected items.
  • Everything DiSC® Facilitator Report: The facilitator report provides a composite of your group’s DiSC® styles, with the name and style of each participant. It provides information on how the DiSC® styles collectively can impact your culture.

FlashPoint can also provide you with an online account to administer your own Everything DiSC® assessments by issuing access codes, monitoring report completion, customizing reports with your brand, and printing reports. This option allows you to select the assessments you want to administer, adapt them to meet your needs, and select follow-up tools to enhance interpretation and facilitation. 

FlashPoint is an Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC®.

Everything DiSC Versatility Case Study

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Everything DiSC® Resources

Program Overview

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Sample Reports

FlashPoint Blogs on Everything DiSC®

Which leadership style best fits your team? Understanding the styles and priorities of others creates stronger working relationships, better leaders, and more effective teams.

How does Everything DiSC improve leaders and teamsEffective communication is good for everyone; all employees benefit from improved workplace communication, increased productivity, and operational effectiveness.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Training supports the Human Resources and Organizational Development functionIt’s always beneficial to have another tool in our tool belt when we are trying to create workplaces that are productive.

Practical ways to use Everything DiSC with teams. Use DiSC to improve employee training, integrating new team members, and improving team relationships.

DiSC communication exercises for reinforcement. Tips to keep DiSC top-of-mind for employees as they communicate with others.

How effective is Everything DiSC®? Understanding how people work together best is a must for onboarding employees and improving employee engagement.

How do you know if Everything DiSC® is right for your team? Here's a quick guide to the who, what, and how of Everything DiSC®.

Organizational goals supported by Everything DiSC®Imagine if your organization’s leaders knew how best to approach their team members and colleagues according to each person's unique work style.

Everything DiSC® improves employee engagement on remote teams. Knowing the preferred method of communication with other coworkers leads to better results.

Additional Available Reports

Everything DiSC® Comparison Report 

These research-validated follow-up reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences on six behavioral continua. The reports are great for onboarding, new work groups, conflict management, and more! 

Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report

The group culture report helps you determine your group’s DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking. 

Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators

This tool provides more detailed data about the Everything DiSC® assessment and helps facilitate a richer discussion about a respondent’s DiSC style, including unexpected items. 

Everything DiSC® Facilitator Report

The facilitator report provides a composite of your group's DiSC styles, with the name and style of each participant. It provides information on how the DiSC styles collectively can impact your culture.

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Get Started With Everything DiSC



FlashPoint offers a variety of Everything DiSC® assessments and training to support your needs. Ready to explore the benefits of Everything DiSC®Contact us.


FlashPoint can help set up an online account, so you can administer your own Everything DiSC® assessments. You’ll be able to issue access codes, monitor report completion, customize reports with your company brand, and print reports from anywhere at any time.

You can choose which assessments you want to administer, adapt them to meet your needs, and select follow-up tools to enhance interpretation and facilitation. Your online account offers an easy way to create, view, send, and print the assessments you need to build better teams!


Want to become an expert at interpreting Everything DiSC® profiles and utilizing the wide array of Everything DiSC® products? FlashPoint can help you with training, which also helps you earn Professional Development Credits (PDCs) from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Ultimately, we want to ensure that you learn the theory behind DiSC®, get hands-on experience with a variety of Everything DiSC® profiles, and fully understand how to interpret and incorporate them. We also offer facilitation kits featuring leader guides, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and handouts that you can use to train your team members on utilizing their Everything DiSC® assessments. 

FlashPoint is an award-winning Authorized Partner for Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors™.

Everything DiSC® is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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