
The Leader vs. Manager Dilemma

The Business Case for The Leadership Challenge®

How to Succeed with Emerging Leaders

The Core Components of a Team

How Not to Sabotage Your Leadership Development Efforts

Coach to the Max

Leadership Development Program Design
Imagine knowing how to shape and innovate our leadership programs to more closely meet leader needs with the right content, in the right way, at the right time. Download our whitepaper to find out how to make your leadership development training "stick".

The Leader vs. Manager Dilemma
Understanding the difference between leadership and management allows us to choose the right approach for any given situation. At FlashPoint, we believe it's important to intentionally practice both leadership and management skills. Here's how you can decide if you (or your employee) needs leadership training or manager skill development.

The Business Case for The Leadership Challenge®
Everyone's talking about employee engagement these days, but three decades of ongoing research by The Leadership Challenge® authors, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner shows that leadership is the single most important factor contributing to engagement. This whitepaper and discussion guide will help you drive conversations and provide statements that can impact effective decision making when initiating a leadership development program using The Leadership Challenge® and the LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® 360-degree feedback assessment.

How to Succeed with Emerging Leaders
When we talk about "emerging leaders," the Millennials and Gen Z generations may come to mind—but we aren't talking only about a certain generation. Emerging leaders are people in your organization who have high potential and are strong performers. They are people who are, or will be, in some leadership role at some point, and if you want to retain them they need to be developed. They want and need a good reason to stay.

The Core Components of a Team
With organizations flattening and growing in complexity on multiple levels—including the shifting requirements of customers—teams are the key to whether a business will thrive or fail. This white paper spells out the fundamentals of leveraging your teams for all they’re worth.

How Not to Sabotage Your Leadership Development Efforts
The stakes are high for you to get it right. This white paper identifies what’s wrong when leadership development doesn’t work and gives specific tools to wring the longest lasting value and impact from your leadership development investment.

Coach to the Max
The stakes are high for you to get it right. This white paper identifies what’s wrong when leadership development doesn’t work and gives specific tools to wring the longest lasting value and impact from your leadership development investment.