The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

Many organizations struggle to identify and develop emerging leaders, yet in an interesting twist, many millennials or emerging leaders will leave an organization due to lack of leadership development opportunities. So how exactly do you help your team become the kind of leaders that people want to follow? Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner ask simple questions such as this about the fundamentals of leadership in their perennial best-seller, The Leadership Challenge. They assert that we follow people we believe are credible – competent, honest, forward-thinking, and inspirational.
These are the characteristics people look for in a credible leader. Most people are drawn toward someone they would willingly work for, enjoy working with, and want to work harder for.What effect does credibility have in terms of behavior? Through their research, Kouzes and Posner found that when people perceive their immediate manager to have high credibility, they are more likely to:
Having strong leadership credibility goes beyond just employee attitudes; customers and investors are also influenced by credibility. To take a page from The Leadership Challenge, leaders need a chance to learn and practice. They need a roadmap for leadership development. To take action, a leader might embark on the following activities to help develop as a leader and cultivate followers:
If you are interested in improving as a leader, improving your organization's leaders, or cultivating and encouraging followers, attending The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is an investment that pays leadership dividends.
Need a leadership boost? In the 8 minute video below, The Leadership Challenge co-author Barry Posner asserts that we follow people we believe are credible – competent, honest, forward-thinking, and inspirational. He also outlines the simple truth about becoming a better leader: If we don't believe the message, we won't believe the messenger.
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