The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

Teams are often dynamic and complex. Ideally, each member of a team plays a vital role and works as a group to help one another accomplish their goals. At minimum, each team member should be accountable and work cooperatively for the good of the organization.
Different types of teams feature different leadership roles. A permanent, functional team, such as an intact work group has different motivations and drivers than a committee, formed to work on discreet projects. Regardless of what type of team you are on, great leadership makes all the difference on how well a team performs.
Communicate, communicate, communicate. (At your next team meeting, ask: “Are we on the mark?” “How are we getting along?” “Are we collaborating the right way?” “Are we meeting our goals?”)
Pick the right team members and make sure your team is the right size. (Hire team players vs. trying to make people team players.)
Build team member skills (with assessments, retreats, and/or coaching).
Set clear goals (SMART goals—focus on objectives; REAL goals— focus on personal and professional development).
Clarify each person’s role in achieving the common purpose (document and discuss roles, quarterly . . . and hold them to it).
Hold members accountable to one another, not just to you. (Model accountability, establish accountability partnerships.)
Communicate team successes. (Recognize when the team meets a strategic organizational goal or has a win that reflects organizational values.)
This blog was inspired by the FlashPoint white paper: "The Core Components of a Team: Back to Basics."
A productive, high-functioning executive team makes better, faster decisions; enjoys a competitive advantage; and avoids wasting time on confusion and destructive conflict.
The Five Behaviors®: Team Development is a program that demonstrates how teams that embrace trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results are proven to enhance team productivity at every level.
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