The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

HR and L&D professionals don’t always have the convincing power we wish we could have with the CEO, especially when it comes to investing in learning and development programs. But why is that? The power of leadership is proven, especially with research-backed assessments like the LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® 360 assessment. Is it because we are keeping leadership a secret? Are our CEOs and C-suite professionals unaware of the power of leadership?
The internal success of leadership programs for both individual participants and the company is often not communicated or the results are not shared externally with other business leaders. If leadership is kept a secret, it stifles the growth of the individual and the achievement of business goals. Keeping the success of leadership programs to ourselves doesn’t do anyone at an organization any good. Inviting others to understand the power of leadership, whether departmental managers or other higher-ups, only helps us better make our case.
Having another person in your corner is always a good thing. If we bring others along and share the leadership business case, those people will understand the value and ROI we work hard to show. More and more people who understand why leadership is beneficial for their department and their coworkers will reinforce the importance to our CEOs and other decision-makers.
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