The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

Leadership development is constantly changing to adapt to the challenges of our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world. We know that tomorrow’s leaders need to be ready today; they will soon be forced to adapt quickly to business challenges like the digital revolution and its impact on achieving business success.
Understanding the Top Trends in Human Capital Management isn’t enough, we must be applying those principles in our daily decisions. HR and L&D professionals are the critical link between the needs of organizations today and the path to adapt to those needs. But we can't perform this task without examining whether we are following old rules of leadership or keeping up with the times.
Is your organization still following these leadership rules of years past?
These rules won’t last long because they simply cannot address the challenges that businesses face today. Leadership in this increasingly complex world relies more and more on relationships at all levels. This changes how organizations are structured, how they function, how managers and employees interact, how new skills and needs are addressed, and how employees are connected to the company.
Do you want to learn what new rules are replacing these outdated ideas? Read our new ebook, Old Rules vs. New Rules of Leadership Development.
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