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Using MyEverythingDiSC.com for Better Teamwork

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Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

Learn more about coworkers and yourself to improve relationships

If you’ve taken an Everything DiSC® assessment, you might not know it but you have access to MyEverythingDiSC.com!

What is MyEverythingDiSC.com?

It’s an interactive learning portal where you can learn more about yourself and connect with coworkers. Whether you need to prepare for a meeting with a new project team or learn about a new coworker, you can understand others better. It also contains the tools to deeply understand your own style and preferences, since self-awareness is the first step to building better work relationships.

At FlashPoint, we use the MyEverythingDiSC portal regularly thanks to its variety of on-demand tools and resources. You can dig deep into the theory and research behind the assessments or learn more about yourself and others.


There are some great features of MyEverythingDiSC you might not know about. Did you know you can. . .

  • See how aligned you are to your DiSC style (or if you have any preferences that are distinct from your style)
  • Build a group map of your team, department, or organization
  • Create comparison reports with other coworkers
  • Listen to a podcast about your style
  • View or add any DiSC reports you’ve taken (like Workplace, Management, or Productive Conflict)


There are tons of great features for you to discover on MyEverythingDiSC, so check it out today!

Everything DiSC Versatility Case Study

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