The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

As leaders in business, we’ve been in a near constant pivot for the last few years. If you’ve made it this far, your personal development may be in need of some love and attention. Have no fear, you are certainly not alone.
Investing in yourself is one of the most important, judicious, and prudent things you can do to help regulate your work life-balance, gain perspective, forge a new path, or gain insight into how to navigate in times of change—and one of the best ways to invest in yourself is through coaching.
It probably goes without saying that if you don’t take time for yourself, no one is going to do it for you. Finding time to do this is an investment in itself—go for it!
“. . . coaching focuses on equipping the individual to discover their unique potential." — Brian Cagneey
Let’s acknowledge and level-set that everyone is pressed for time. Developing the mindset that coaching or personal time is deserved—and necessary—and is a courageous act. When you invest in yourself, you are modeling that for your peers, team members, family, and friends.
Here is something to consider: it is rare that as adults we give ourselves permission for 1:1 attention. If you are a manager, or a team-mate, you probably know that your direct reports or colleagues benefit from the 1:1 attention you give them. Why not take that time for yourself with a neutral, trusted third party? Your coach is Team YOU!
Making time all starts with you. There will be speedbumps and the occasional roadblock. To quote FlashPoint’s CEO, “Be like water around rocks.”
Tell yourself: “I’m doing this not only for me, but for everyone in my life! I can support others in this way. There is no way I can achieve what I want without putting in the time.”
“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player.” — Bill Gates
The truth is, this is absolutely a one foot in front of the other scenario. We often see in our coaching practice that once you get a first coaching session scheduled, you will get immediate benefit from the YOU time. From that point, blocking out the future times seems easier. Now you are on your way to fulfilling that investment in your growth.
A reminder, you are not alone! Enroll others. Let your community and your family know what you are up to and what you are trying to achieve for yourself. With your champions behind you, you are more likely to stay motivated. Make them your accountability partners. Again, this is good modeling for those around you.
At your first coaching session, you don’t need to show up with a list. If you have some goals or aspirations, great. Otherwise, consider your first session(s) as a place to speak freely and explore.
Remember, your coach is a neutral sounding board and thought partner who is Team YOU. Your coach is not meant to be an advisor, consultant, mentor, or therapist (although many describe coaching as therapeutic).
“Coaching isn't therapy. It's product development, with you as the product." — Fast Company
If you don’t have a coach in mind, ask your professional and personal network for recommendations. Talk to your boss, HR, or Talent Development professional about what is available in your organization. Meet a few coaches before you decide which one is a good fit. Think of the process like dating or interviewing.
"A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness." — Elaine MacDonald
As one of my coaches has often said to me, “What is the very next small action you will take?” Remember you are creating space and time for yourself. This is like working out, getting your hair cut, or taking a day off. You are ready, promise!
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