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Team Effectiveness by Lauren Parkhill

Lead Teams with Confidence and Competence

Managers today face a myriad of challenges in a rapidly changing business environment. From navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work models...

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July 17, 2024

Bill Mugavin

is a Senior Leadership Development Consultant at FlashPoint. He has worked with top-tier Fortune 1000 global organizations to improve leadership and management effectiveness.

Recent Posts

Strategy Isn't Just for Executives

What's the Role of Strategic Skills in Developing Managers and Leaders?

When you hear the word strategy, what comes to mind? Most people see images of senior executives huddled around a conference...

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December 08, 2021

Leadership Development

The One Thing You’re Forgetting About Feedback

How You Receive Feedback is Just as Important as How You Give It

We talk about feedback often. After all, it’s a critical part of management, team cohesion, and leadership. Feedback and communication...

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October 27, 2021

Leadership Development

8 Characteristics of Emerging Leaders

Identify Emerging Leaders at Every Level to Develop Your Pipeline

Emerging leaders are present at every level and age at your organization. But knowing how to identify them and ensure they...

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August 19, 2021

Leadership Development

Practicing the Skill of Civility During Challenging Times

What Do Leaders Do When Tensions Are High?

If we as leaders are to expect civility from people, even in one of the most dynamic and charged times in recent history, then we may need some tools....

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March 17, 2021

Leadership Development

Are You Developing These Leader and Manager Skill Sets?

Which is More Important, Being a Good Manager or Being a Good Leader?

Today, leaders are required to wear many hats. Combine this with a newly virtual, or work-from-anywhere workforce, and your team...

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January 27, 2021

Leadership Development

5 Practices for Leading Virtually

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership are guideposts for leaders

Managers and leaders are facing a balancing act each day. Daily tasks include: working with direct...

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June 15, 2020

Leadership Development

Applying the Five Behaviors® to Remote Teams

Photo by Paul Bergmeir on Unsplash

Virtual teams face the same challenges as in-person teams, from miscommunications and lack of accountability, to lack of buy-in for agreements and lack of trust....

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January 02, 2020

Team Effectiveness

Demonstrating Vulnerability While Facilitating The Leadership Challenge

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

When it comes to demonstrating vulnerability, facilitators go first

Facilitators are an incredibly important part of The Leadership Challenge® experience. As the...

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July 01, 2019

Leadership Development

12 Ways Effective Leaders Share Leadership and Power


Leadership makes all the difference in how well a team performs. Have you ever worked for or been on a team where the leader takes a dictatorial approach? Where...

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July 11, 2018

Team Effectiveness

Quiz: Determine if You're Ready for The Leadership Challenge

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Are You Ready for The Leadership Challenge? Take This Quiz!

One of the key tenets of The Leadership Challenge® is that leadership is learned. Anyone can be a...

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March 13, 2018

Leadership Development