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Team Effectiveness by Lauren Parkhill

Lead Teams with Confidence and Competence

Managers today face a myriad of challenges in a rapidly changing business environment. From navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work models...

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July 17, 2024

Krista Skidmore

, CEO and Cofounder of FlashPoint, is passionate about all things leadership. She manages FlashPoint's strategic direction with integrity and insight.

Recent Posts

2024 is Our Year of Evolution

The Importance of Personal Growth and Development

Our theme for the new year is evolution.In a world that constantly challenges us, our growth and evolution become critical to our facing what’s...

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January 03, 2024

Team Effectiveness

Increase Workplace Well-Being by Practicing Mindfulness

Benefits of Mindfulness for Workplace Productivity

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and distracted. With competing priorities, tight deadlines, and a constant stream of...

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May 24, 2023

Leadership Development

2023 Is Our Year For Simplicity

The Power of Keeping it Simple

Three years ago, all our lives changed in an instant—there have been highs and lows. Now is the time for us to focus forward and take the skills we’ve honed through...

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January 04, 2023

Team Effectiveness

Leadership Development: The Essential Element is Learning

There is no Easy, Fix-All Solution to Leadership Development

Recently during a meeting with a CEO, I was asked the proverbial question about the “simple fix” their company should use to develop...

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November 16, 2022

Leadership Development

Mindfulness Tactics Improve Balance and Performance at Work

Make Mindfulness Your Superpower

Whether you work from home, an office, on location, or somewhere in between, mindfulness is a powerful resource in your leadership toolbelt.

If your objective is...

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November 02, 2022

Leadership Development

5 Steps for New Leader Assimilation to Gain Momentum and Sustain Progress

New Leader Assimilation Sets Teams Up For Success

Now more than ever, resignations, restructuring, and economic uncertainty are causing shifts in teams and their leaders. Our clients are reporting...

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August 10, 2022

Team Effectiveness

Practicing Leadership: Curiosity as an Accelerant to Empathy

Why Curiosity and Empathy go Hand in Hand

The drive toward more inclusive and connected workplaces is becoming one of the most urgent needs in organizations, and one of the most talked-about in HR...

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May 18, 2022

Leadership Development

The Power and Value of Curiosity

Take Time to Cultivate and Practice Curiosity

If you study leadership, you know the value of curiosity. The business case is clear: curiosity helps us adapt to uncertainty, think more deeply and...

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March 23, 2022

Team Effectiveness

Will Your Choices Build Your Team Up, or Tear It Down?

Bring Your Life Lessons Into Your Team Culture

When I was a freshman in high school, I tried out for the basketball team, making the varsity team by the skin of my teeth. I rode the bench most of the...

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February 16, 2022

Leadership Development

2022 Is the Year We Practice Hope

The Year of Hope: 2022 Edition

For me, 2021 was interesting, inspiring, joyful, and filled with incredible gratitude for my family, friends, and colleagues who surround me with such meaningful...

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January 05, 2022

Leadership Development